Notes from the Field
I’ve been away longer than usual, but it’s not because there isn’t anything to report. Au contraire.
I finished the garden post that’s been on my to-do list for awhile.
I finished this interactive journal of the road trip I took with my friend Jeannie last year. I made a journal before the trip for each of us.
It’s an accordion journal that’s nifty because you keep the individual pages separate while traveling so as not to have to carry it all.. Sometimes it’s called a Deconstructed Journal. I also did one for each couple for a cruise we took with a whole bunch of friends awhile back. I love this format so much I’ve put it on the Shop if you would like one made for your upcoming trip. There’s a video of it on the home page here or YouTube here.
I’m busy in the flower garden, It’s loving the summer sun so much that it has reached the overgrown stage. Keeps me busy.
©Polina Oshu
I am newly intrigued with this pattern artist. Her name is Polina Oshu from Latvia. The idea of filling a page from edge to edge with bright, cheery patterns is calling me.
We entertained our pals from Arizona who are game geeks like us. We try to get together a couple times a year, once down there (so we can get away from the gray and enjoy the warm Arizona sun) and once up here (so they can get away from the 3-digit temperatures and enjoy the perfection of a Pacific Northwest summer.) We have a Game-o-Rama of board, card, and dice games. We played 27 different games! I guess you could say we are “gamers” but not in the usual sense of the word these days.
I am currently reading a whole bunch of good books.
Yeah, I really am reading all of these and am at various stages of completion. So many books, so little time.
…and am especially enamored of these two right now. There’s a theme there somewhere.
How is your summer progressing? I know, I know…those back-to-school ads have reared their ugly heads and some of you may have already returned to the classroom. Can’t say I miss that sinking feeling that yet another summer flashed by and lamination machines are gearing up.