What's goin' on?

Aside from the heartbreaking things going on in the world, that is. I catch myself constantly starting to complain about some nit picky thing when the horrors in Ukraine (and Syria and Afghanistan and Guatemala and…) and I retreat. I lose patience with complaints about gas prices, masks and mandates, and political beefs.

But, as I hope I have imparted regularly, art helps. I have a new wallpaper for your desktop or screen which you can download below the image. It’s late, you will notice, but I’ve been making art!



My lovely friend Carol and I had a nice long art camp here to start March off. We got messy with the gel plate, shared an online class, went to a couple of local wine tastings, had a martini or two, (bless husband Bob who was our daily bartender), met with our East-West Art Zoom buddies, solved the world’s problems, and we also managed to fit in some games. Our usual modus operandi.


…and I am still posting daily on Instagram in my series, Words and Pictures. It’s an opportunity to stretch myself with photography and photo editing. find quotes that are thoughtful, inspiring, unique, or witty, and play with typography. Right now, it’s hard to perceive doing another 66 of them, but one day at at time, as they say. Some of my recent posts:


And just a reminder….there are new notecards at the shop. Three new designs with all the goodies included.