Three Things for Thursday
How did Thursday get here already? Not a lot of time today to elaborate, but I promise you will find something you like here. Promise!
What the movies taught me about women....
“Good girls are boring. Naughty girls have power, “ among other things. Like, “men lead, women follow.” Shudder.
Actual films of Monet, Renoir, and other artists from some obscure archive. I found it fascinating to see their images in their environments, working.
If you like gardening, or would like to love gardening, or love wishing you loved gardening, but you don’t, but you like gardens, flowers, and nature, and/or the seasons (gotcha?), you might like this as much as I do. A lyrical look at gardens and nature in general as they pass through the seasons. I will enjoy each of her takes on each season.
…and liked it so much I bought my own copy.
“Hyacinths are the floozies on the windowsill. Rather than mincing words, why don’t we just tell it straight? Hyacinths are tarts. I have yet to find a hyacinth with a subtle bone in its body. They are all brash, loud, garrulous party animals wearing flouncy cricket-out outfits and sending forth flirtatious scents that we might find slightly offensive - if it weren’t midwinter. Right now, hyacinths are heaven. You cannot stroll past a hyacinth without being pulled in to its petals.”
(She does provide the practical for growing your own floozies in the winter as promised.)
November Tub o’ Books: Time is short and I have lots of good ones to share; on the other hand, I can see my December reading will be limited. I’ll put them all together next month.
Till next time. Have you subscribed yet, she wondered?