Back in the USA.

Note: This is an updated version of the most recent post to allow me to include  a better video...

You claim New England’s a pretty place? Think again. Oh, it’s fine for hiking for camping: it’s got all those swell bubbling brooks; it’s peaceful and clean and colorful. But, look, when it comes to something truly important, like the game of golf, these northeastern states can be downright grotesque.
— Tim O'Brien in New England: The Four Seasons, 1980.

Our last few days on the New England road, after leaving Montreal, was through Vermont again ... more typically-New  England charming towns, left-leaning politics, and views that have greened before our eyes...and into Massachusetts to do the Illustrators Trail: Eric Carle, Norman Rockwell, and Dr. Seuss museums. And more bookstores. (18 independent ones in all, each one unique.)

I have created a video of some memories from this leg of our trip. Photos are unedited but I want to share them before I end this travelogue and begin work on the travel journal. And the garden is calling. Video is after the photo below.

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The view from Norman Rockwell's Museum site.  New England's such a pretty place. 

Note: the video below starts with 4 or 5 blurry photos that I can’t seem to make better. It clears up.