I Never Knew.
Note on Dec. 31, 2023. Hah! Little did we know what the year 2020 had in store for us. NOT Good Things Plenty.
Rose and I send along wishes for good health, good times, and good karma.
Happy New Year, lovely readers! I hope you turned the month/year/decade page over in good health and lots of reasons to be cheerful, no matter what the gray.
I’m adding something to this year’s blog, explained below. Watch for the first one in the series this week.
And to the “House Mates” - those who purchased a calendar this year - watch for your invite to the freebies related to the calendar (information was included in your package.) I will send it on or about the 10th of each month.
There’s be more freebies, downloads, and special pricing this year to blog subscribers. Haven’t joined yet? Whatcha waitin’ for?
In a recent blog post, I made this observation
It’s not that I don’t read everything I come in contact with, clipping articles like a madwoman. I watch documentaries. I even seek them out. But here’s another person that has completely escaped my brain domain. There are so many elegant authors, unique artists, persistent scientists, and dedicated humanitarians that I have lived my life knowing nothing about. How could that be? Why am I only learning of these people now? Is it because our world expands only after we are through surviving school, figuring out how to be an adult, raising children, putting in 9 to 5s, and racing our own mortalities that we learn about the people who have made extraordinary if not widely publicized contributions? Is it that the internet is so much faster than the Brittanica on the shelf and that has widened out world exponentially?
This is a dilemma that has perplexed me lately, so much so that I’ve taken on a project in 2020 to address it. Unless you have known about these people all along and just not told me ( you rascal, you), you will be amazed as I am at the contributions they have made. And it is the internet and, of course, books that are awakening me to them. ( It’s a way to practice and draw, too, always a good thing! )
So let me use that excerpt as a way of introducing a collection I’m calling “Difference-Makers.” I’ve been gathering them up by month and will highlight them on their birthdays. They are past and present, mostly women - just because it’s the books I’ve been seeing - and many - many! - of them had been unknown to me. Sometimes the post will be short and sweet; sometimes there’ll be more, in case you’re interested in finding out more. I hope there’ll be some that peak your curiosity.