Happy 1st Day of Spring...
…and aren’t we all glad to see its arrival?
We’ve had a mild winter here in Puget Sound, EXCEPT for the snowy, cold, record-breaking February, which was thankfully a short month. Brrr-r-r-. And to anticipate spring, the weather gods have brought it on in full force: in the 70’s, Whoo-hoo. I know there will be a let-down, sooner or later - there always is - but it should be brief and the days for seed planting will be upon us. I cannot wait.
I continue my 30 Day Sidewalk Crack challenge, although I am a bit behind posting them. I shall try to catch up by the end of the week. If you haven’t caught my Instagram site, well…why not? Now is as good a time as any!
Wally. Day 18.
Mary Belle, Day 15
Oliver, Day 16
Horace, Day 17.
Yes, I seem to see yellow birds in those cracks. A lot.
I am writing from Mesa, Arizona where Bob and I will spend a few days with good friends and a boatload of games. And a Cub game, too. On a walk this morning, I shot some pretty interesting textures in the cacti that I find so interesting. Really full of personality, the cactus, don’t you think?
Thanks for checking in and may the sun shine on you long and hard