Sorry - the rest unknown thank you
““You must kid around.” Maira Kallman”
First, a portfolio for your viewing pleasure.
““All great ideas start with an empty brain.””
I am here today to tell you about my passion for Maira Kalman and the art she creates.. Maira (pronounced Myra) is the artist - still an active and open artist, writer, and speaker - whose style I featured for February in the 2020 Whose House? calendar, as you may remember. I tried to project a sense of fun, color, and the naivety and childlike feel of her style. I hope that when you see a collection of her work, as you will in the various videos here, you can decide if I was able to achieve that. It’s a style that would seem relatively simple to emulate, but, au contraire, it was a challenge. I used a palette of colors from several of her pieces, all of which seem to have been painted with acrylics. Mostly I hope it says “FUN,” because that is the message I get from Maira’s art.
““I never knew what I was supposed to know, and the nature of not knowing stuff can be a beautiful thing.””
There are many ways I could introduce her to you. There are over a dozen videos of interviews, book talks, and museum talks on creativity you’ll find with a search. I loved every one of them and learned something new with each one; there’s a list below of many of them. But if you watch only two, (well, three..I sneaked “Cake” in) - it should be these next ones. In them, you will see her wise, practical, often-irreverent wit, her love of curiosity, and the inspiration she drives from an optimistic study of humanity, its collections, oddities, and “the moments inside moments inside moments.” You cannot help but enjoy this woman and might, as I do, wish her on your dinner party list, or at least on your Contacts list.
“I don’t like anything permanent; I have to be able to flee. You have to be able to flee at a moment’s notice.”
In this video, Maira' shares a timeline of her life and compares it to the Met Museum’s acquisitions. She also explains her own acquisition of Toscini’s pants.
And in this video, you’ll get insight into how she is inspired, her thoughts on creativity, her various projects, and, best yet, her tour as a duck!
As you plainly see, it is hard for me to limit my offerings here. But you MUST see this one - it’s just so darn cute.
And more. Let me invite you to take and hour or two out of your busy life, do yourself a favor, and binge on Maira Kalman. I think it will add a bit of pleasure to your day.
This video will, among other things, explain the title of this blog post. Note: If you watch several videos, you will see that she begins her talks with the same excerpt, but be assured each of her talks has new focus and enlightenment.
If you have ever loved and/or lost a beloved dog, watch this book talk about her A Beloved Dog. The question-answer session after her talk is also illuminating.
In this NPR interview, Maira shares thoughts on the charming book she wrote in honor of her mother in Sara Berman’s Closet. And this video shows the closet, the clothes, and all the white!
Enjoy a studio tour and a home tour.
Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings features her book My Favorite Things here and Maria does her usual-stellar job of describing Maira’s contributions.
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