Three things for Thursday

In a recent post, I encouraged you to check out the site Creative Boom. I followed my own lead and spent some more time there afterwards-I especially liked the sections “Inspiration” and “Art and Culture” and I found this….

angry dan limericks.jpg
angry dan limerick on wall.jpg

which inspired me to do this:

angry dan poem by me.JPG

Hey, the rhythm is off a little, but the labor is cheap. I have another one in the oven. Stay tuned. (These are quite fun to put together, I gotta say.)

angry dan doesn’t look too angry to me.  you?

angry dan doesn’t look too angry to me. you?


this detailed work of map is free if you want it!

this detailed work of map is free if you want it!

Garret J. Fuller's hand-drawn Quarantine + Pandemic Survival Map can be downloaded for free from his website"These are horrible circumstances for everyone. I hope to share the art, for free, inspires as many people as possible to get making and creating and offers well-meaning humour in these hard times."

He has more to admire and be amused by on his Instagram site.


Art will get us through Willems
Screen Shot 2020-05-21 at 12.07.56 PM.png

This is Mo Willems. He writes children’s books, including the very popular Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. He can also be found here, a YouTube series he calls Lunch Doodles, that he created for kids (of all ages) to have while staying at home.

A special farewell to Pier 1. I have many a plate from you.

Header photo by Drew Beamer at Unsplash.