At 100.
“I know what a good man is because I saw it in my father.
roger schwarzwalder, 9/17/1920 - 3/14/1990
My dad was the best man I have ever known, and I have had two wonderful husbands and a slew of uncles, cousins, nephews and friends that I love and admire. My dad defined character and integrity. I think I inherited his sense of humor and appreciation of play. I wish I had inherited his patience and even temperament. He died at a young 69 and would be 100 today, but I still miss him and his warmth and good nature, his curiosity and open-mindedness, his trust in us kids that that we would live good and meaningful lives. I think all three of us lived up to his faith in us as best we could, and through all the hills and valleys of our lives.
Happy Birthday, Dad. You were the first person I thought of when the Cubbies won the World Series. Wish you could have seen it.