Five Things for Friday
A lettering series to amuse and entertain you: foodies meet fairy tales.
And on the subject of lightning bugs:
Lisa Congdon, a favorite artist of mine, has put together a delightful supposedly-childrens-but-what-adult-wouldn’t-like-it book called the Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Elements. I loved teaching that part of science where we delved into the elements and periodic table; it remains a favorite topic of mine. I suppose one could say it’s dumbed down for us adults, but unless you love science and follow it closely, I’ll bet there’s something in it for most of us over thirty or so. Haha.
Brilliant and eccentric,…Mendeleev poured into his passion into a text called The Principles of Chemistry. As he worked to explain and to order the elements, he saw that atomic weight alone did not present a total picture. Inspired by the card game solitaire, he made a set of cards, one for each element known at the time…Mendeleev brought these cards with him every where he went, shuffling and rearranging them. As the story goes…Mendeleev became so obsessed with his deck of elements that he stayed awake for three days and nights arranging the cards in different orders, eventually falling into a deep sleep air his worktable. In a dream, all the elements began to dance and then snapped together into a grid. (He) awoke with a vision of the periodic table. He had finally cracked the code!
This is a wonderful resource for garden and flower lovers.
From the archives.
Marking. A post from 2018 marking our anniversary. This year we’ll celebrate another with a quickie road trip to Denver. I will try to post a time or two.