L is for a Little of Everything.
A little bit of everything from the JEWELBOX this time. Getting it in before midnight of the year.
““Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.””
Peggy Kroll Roberts. Lots of interesting art on the website and I enjoy her blog, too.
…and, a word.
I have noticed lately a void of blogs, especially about anything related to the arts. It looks like a lot of bloggers have moved over to social media. I do dabble in Instagram, the seeming Queen of Sharing right now, but I am a flighty and inconsistent participant. It overwhelms me, frankly.
I have a Facebook site where I mostly share personal adventures and occasional art I make, and I do enjoy reading my favorites. But it’s just not the same as talking to all of you over coffee and a muffin. Blogging also helps me keep a visual record. For over 15 years, I’ve posted regularly about my love for all of the Arts: visual, musical, literary, and, yes, the art of travel. So although blogging has become a bit obsolete, I’m hanging on. I hope you will hang with me. I plan to continue. It’s always nice to have a friend to share it with.
That said, I am including a list of my favorite blogs. You can find it here. Some of them are also on my Favorite Artists page. Most are art-centered, but not all. Some are just lovely reading, my chance to be across the breakfast table from another person who enjoys the days life offers. I have spoken before about several of them. It’s a good time to revisit; they are still actively blogging, and I appreciate that they are. Go here and look and perhaps subscribe to some who tickle your fancy and wouldn’t mind hearing from them once in awhile.
My plans for next year include the Poemfest in February, something new in the shop (almost) every month, a few more videos of studio time, to make and share lots of art, and a trip to Ireland and revisit to London. And continued hope for the good health and luck that will allow me to connect with you a few times a month. I hope you will stick with me and I always love hearing from you.
Some past thoughts as new years approached…
Happy New Year.