On garden journals.


Here’s a garden journal I’m working on. The garden is growing so quickly, it’s hard to keep up. It’s actually less of a written journal and more, I hope, of the art journal kind I love to mess around in. Most of these pages came from the week spring actually arrived here. All of a sudden - really! - the bare garden was looking green, the tulips and daffodils were signaling winter (finally) over. Now I’m busy documenting the over two dozen new plants we put into the ground and identifying those older, loyal perennials we so take for granted

A big inspiration for me this year is Lucia Leyfield of Wild Ink, a British artist. I LOVE her work. She does live Zoomie art classes and records them, then offers them as rather inexpensive (about $20 American $$) videos; many of them have so tickled me I cannot wait to get a brush or pen in my hand.


Here are some other visual art garden journals I own and love. Even if you are not into gardening, journaling, or neither, they are visual pleasures. Some are out of print but I am certain they are all available at most libraries.


Sara Midda, In and Out of the Garden. An oldie but goodie. Beautiful, delicate watercolors, as are all of her books. Pinterest.

Vivian Swift, Gardens of Awe and Folly. Pinterest.

Neither of the above artists have websites, I believe, but these links are fans.


Mary Woodin, The Painted Garden, A Year in Words and Watercolours.

Ketzle Levine, Plant This! (Not a journal per se, but beautiful watercolored artwork.The link is from her garden/plant blog that is brimming with ideas and photos and garden love.)


Julia Rothman, Nature Anatomy, The Curious Parts & Pieces of the Natural World.