Now what?

Well, I have always believed and have said here many times, Art Saves. As well as humor. And kindness, that which our parents taught us when we were wee things. So, to make at least ME try to feel better, I’ve been rounding up some things I’ve recently collected and would like to share some with you. NO Jewelbox this time: just a list. Hope you find some you enjoy.


…and NO NOvember wallpaper. The election, the new calendar, order to fill, house- and cat-sitting elsewhere, and the general funk leftover from the election just put that on the back burner, so far back that it disappeared.

No sun — no moon!
No morn — no noon —
No dawn — no dusk — no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member —
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! —

-Thomas Hood

NO woman president. Again.


If your day has been lacking a beaver eating cabbage, well, then

I've been thinking about the post earlier today from a disgruntled follower who announced that she was leaving the group, apparently because of a post that she didn't feel appropriate, and I think it appropriate to talk about that further. Here is my profile of the general membership of this group: intelligent, well-educated, curious, articulate, probably older, and sophisticated or experienced enough to be able to entertain and evaluate opposing views without condemning either. We have discussions and share information about books, art, music, and food. We enter into deep discussions about social issues like sexual abuse and trauma, moral values, political boundaries, social injustice, internecine conflicts, etc. We also complain about the weather and share inside jokes about the novels that we have read. Sometimes we get a little testy with each other. Sometimes we titter like old friends on church bingo night about the latest town gossip. For heaven's sake, we even talk about whether a goose can be housebroken to the point where some actually did research on a goose's digestive system. Guess what--that's life. That's what friends do. This is a microcosm of a community. Live and let live. Love it or leave it. I'm reminded of Inge Look's two aunties--you find your joy in what you love.

Diane MolineComment