Impressively Irish
I admit…Ireland was not on my bucket list. But over time I was convinced it should have been and Mary Beth Shaw’s class came up and …the rest is history. I am in love with the Irish. They are warm, inviting, friendly, and they live among beauty. (Although I do admit to wanting closed caption a few times! )
The hills are dotted with sheep. There are sheep everywhere. Sheep with stripes, spots, and patches of color, something I never knew; but of course, sheep farmers must keep track of theirs, because there are sheep everywhere! (I know, I already said that.)
Seemingly many old old cemeteries stretch across the landscapes. Reading interesting histories of Irish generations.
There is so much more to share, including the amazing hospitality of Lora and Lars at the Essence of Mulranny and the great week making art with Mary Beth. They all come with the highest recommendation. And I haven’t even touched upon Dublin, highlighted with an incredible cooking class in a most vibrant city. More later, but I am on a train, about to catch a plane, and have the London experience for a few days. Back later. Stay well. Enjoy all the art around you. Go Cubs.