Custom Pet Portrait
Custom Pet Portrait
Prices vary according to size of canvas and medium. They range from $150-300 (plus shipping) and you can find range and details if you click on either of the links at bottom. If you have special requirements (time constraints, more than one subject, unusual size) there may be additional cost, but I always try to keep it affordable and realistic.
I print from high-quality photographs in acrylic or watercolor. Some subjects also lend themselves to collage and some look great in colored pencil. You may know exactly what media you would like or I can give suggestions for the best choice depending on your needs. Please allow 4 weeks. If I see a time issue because of my schedule, I will let you know. A good-faith 20% deposit is requested but not required earlier than 4 weeks ahead.
Please indicate if you have a special wish for realistic or playful. Otherwise, I will pick the style I think works best with the subject.
PS I also draw/paint cats. And houses. And sometimes, people.
Contact me for any questions or further information. A link is provided at the top of the page.