Too soon for pumpkins, thank you.
Am I the only one who is saddened to see September arrive with stores bedecked in Halloween and pumpkins and autumn? I need my September summer days! Don't take them away from me so soon. I have lived many warm days that September hung on to as if it also did not want to give up on the magic long days of summertime. Alas, most of those warm days occurred when I was inside teaching or otherwise captured inside, bemoaning every moment I was not outside drinking the last of it in. Leaves have not yet turned; light is still around at the eight o'clock hour. So smack! to the orange-and-gold! and smack! to the pumpkins! and a SMACK SMACK1 to Halloween. Go. Home. To whence you came. Maybe October. Maybe then I'll be ready. Maybe.
"By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer."
- Helen Hunt Jackson,
If you would like to download the September calendar as a desktop picture, it is desktop-ready for most computers. A word of warning, though. If you are like me and have way too much on your desktop, this one is not for you. If you are neat and tidy and keep your files to a minimum, then perhaps you will enjoy it.
I am thinking of and sending good thoughts to my family and friends in Florida. Stay safe.
Desktop image Right-click the image and download as desktop picture.