Three Things for an Icy Thursday
We’ve had snow here, a few inches followed by a cold that kept the snow around, and we’re scheduled for more soon. Not being snow country in particular, but getting a snowfall or two or three most winters, we are a close-schools-at-six-inches kinda place. Boy, I did love those school days. I walked a trail when when it was in its most beautiful stage and was kicking myself all the way because I didn’t have my camera. Just so, so breathtaking, the snowy scenes.
I’ve not been at the blog screen for awhile because my iMac was fussing with me and making everything harder than it should be. (Many, many, way-too-many moments staring at the color wheel going roundandroundandround. Argh.) A trip to the Apple store solved it but also made me once again aware just how much I depend on it for so many tasks that smaller devices just can’t handle.
Also, I’ve been busy completing a pet portrait. The friend who commissioned it gave me carte blanche and because of that, I was stymied for the longest time! (She was very patient.) It’s like the candy store, or the TOMS catalog, or the 20 page restaurant menu. Too many choices, what shall I do? Inspiration finally came to me - think Moon Papers - and then I was rolling. It’s the last details that take the longest for me. But I am done, I was pleased, and the customer was pleased, so you can ‘t ask for more. You can see it for awhile in that Instagram section in the right column. Macy’s the one with her tongue out!
Here are today’s three things:
A New Yorker cartoon. Photo by Andrew Goldstein, faithful subscriber.
After libraries, I love museums of art, science, nature, and history, and the surprise or two. . To this day, I remember a day at the Phoenix Musical Instrument Museum, one that I promise you will take your breath away. This article highlights so many INTERESTING design of buildings, most in far-off places I’ll not live long enough to see. This was an article about the museum openings or additions this coming year. I think it’s time for a museum day in NYC, something I’ve been telling myself for a few years now. I’ll keep working on it.
Edinburgh, all images provided by Carl Lavia and Lorna Le Bredonchel
A project called 60 Cities. Artist Carl Lavia is creating a portrait of the entire United Kingdom in large-scale format but with intricate detail. Read about it here. Oh, the patience something like this takes. Definitely not in my wheelhouse but love that someone else is making this art.
Here are some interesting arty things to do while snowed-in, grayed-in, tired-of-the-normal-routine-in....
The site has this interesting video.
or just read about these interesting things and people:
Lots and lots of creators, artists, designers, and the curious.
Reading time was short in January as I was consumed with other distractions. Wasn’t buying or borrowing much either. There were a few, and some good ones, but I’ll combine January and February Tub o’ Books. Just wanted you to know ‘cuz I know you’re waiting with baited breath.