The last of January.

Here is the last part of my January Draw-a-Day. Not sure how long I’ll keep doing this but so far I’ve been enjoying the challenge. Mostly I draw the favorite things I like in our home or the day’s events. The first half of January is here. Be sure to hit that volume icon in lower right so you can hear Ella sing “It’s a Lovely Day Today!”


You may notice that beginning Jan. 20 I kept a little record of the day’s Trumpian events. I’ve decided, as I write this on Feb. 6, that I can’t keep doing it. First, it messes up the page. And, God’s honest truth, I can’t keep up. Some new chaos every day. I’m letting it go.

Just draw, Diane.

P.S. There’s a poemfest going on here, did you know? An illustrated poem (my artwork, sometimes my poems) in your mailbox every day in February. Try it out! You can always go out the back door if you change your mind!



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