Cure for February.
The cure for February is an illustrated poem in your mailbox every day, don’t you think?
If you have not aleady subscribed to this special once-a-year collection, won’t you consider joining us?
I like poems.
Not so much the
long long ones from long ago centuries.
You know those poems.
The ones they made you figure out
in high school.
The poems I like are
sassy poems,
friendly poems,
funny poems,
memories-of-my-childhood poems,
poems that make me wonder
or ponder
or enjoy the world.
Poems with beautiful words
and turns of phrase.
Poems of celebration and,
for goodness sakes,
poems with a sense of humor!
Poems that rhyme
and poems that don’t.
Poems I could eat
but probably won’t.
Poems by Oliver and Belloc and Dickinson and Prelutsy
And by unknowns, and dead ones, and by children,
And new ones and old ones and found ones
and ones penned by me.
We had fests in ’22, ’23, ’24 **
Now’s the time for even one more.
The world’s quite a mess in two-o-two-five
We need art and books and poems to survive.
** You cân find them all in Collections at the website here.